Monday, December 23, 2019

Winter Solstice

As I watch the snow cling to each tiny branch in the brisk stillness of a fresh snowfall, I am reminded that everything is transitory.  This frozen covering of white particles will melt into wet sloshy puddles. Experience the changes as they occur.  Allow the melting of what was into what is.  Unlike the snow, my friends won’t see my internal transformation, but they do feel the energetic shift that is happening.  My only assurance that my spirit will not be diminished into a shriveled, and dark angry ball of bitterness is to grow and change and laugh and put twinkling lights around the house and imagine myself engulfed in a translucent cloud of healing protective light.
Although change is inevitable, we resist change because we feel insecure about the outcome.  We prefer feeling comfortable with what is familiar.  Or…
Yes, I’ve heard that we are particles of matter held together by gravity. And yes, I cannot see what is around the corner, and I like so many others don’t like it!  I want the promise of safety and security for tomorrow and the next many days.  What I need is the faith that was lost one mid-summer night this year.  I have been searching for it and want it back for Christmas?  My faith in the source of all things.  My belief that people are intrinsically good and that good will prevail.  Yes, I do believe that and yes, I do sit in an invisible cloud of healing light.

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